Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Holiday Walking

One of the best parts of living in a city is being able to walk everywhere. On Christmas day, I did what any respectable New Yorker would do and took to the streets. Walking around the city, I took my last chance to view the Christmas windows of the department stores on Madison and Fifth avenues. Walking down Madison, the Barney’s windows outshined the other displays with its outlandish homage to Lady Gaga. The product of a collaboration between Lady Gaga, herself, along with numerous creative designers, embodies the flamboyant creativity for which she is known. One window, depicting a bedroom made completely of not only synthetic but also real hair is replete with furniture, a human figure and countless other details. The adjoining window, the “Gaga Constellation” features a video with the famous singer in space. People were using their ability to tweet wishes to #gagastars which would subsequently appear on the screen.
Swerving in and out of the hundreds of tourists surrounding the Barney’s windows and all of Fifth Avenue was exercise in itself. Walking from window to window, we noted we had walked over three miles.